
Thursday, May 24, 2012

Driving Experiences

So we finally made it to a hotel last night but I was to tired to blog about my experiences of driving 650 miles though three states.  Here are some of the things I have learned about:

  1. When people get on the Interstate, they completely forget how to drive.
  2. Gas is pretty expensive up north.  It went from 3:35 in Arkansas to 3:72 in Kentucky.  
  3. I hate driving.  This point is pretty much self explanatory. 
  4. Every highway in America has some sort of road construction on it.  
I hope that you have enjoyed these experiences of mine and there will be plenty of more experiences that I will blog about in the coming days.  Thanks for your prayers and for your support.

Friday, May 18, 2012

My Rules

So today I have come up with a list of rules.  They are a lot like Gibbs List of rules off of NCIS.  This rules are not listed in any order, some are funny and some are serious.  Some come from Gibbs himself, some are made up from personal experience, and some come from God.  I hope that you enjoy each rule and there are sure to be many more to come.

  1. Always Pray
  2. Never be without a knife
  3. Never take anything for granted
  4. When the job is done, walk away
  5. Never second guess yourself in a relationship or life
  6. Never underestimate your opponent
  7. Sometime you have to say no
  8. You have to clean up the mess you've made
  9. Forgiveness can rebuild burnt bridges
  10. Always be polite
  11. Never take God out of it
  12. When God is taken out of it, it doesn't matter anymore
  13. Your way isn't always the best or easiest
  14. Learn as much as you can about as much as you can
  15. Never look down on yourself
  16. Always show someone love
  17. Don't worry about life, God already took care of it
  18. Never give up
  19. You can't do everything by yourself 
  20. Sometimes there are things that you can't fix
  21. Always give second chances
  22. Sometimes........Your wrong

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Speaking at Fuel

So I am pumped about speaking at Fuel tonight.  I have a feeling that God is going to do good things tonight.  It so great to finally be able to speak to my old youth group.  I love having time to sit down with God and talk to Him about what I need to say and what I need to do tonight.  Going to be a great night.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Had a great time today talking with my pastor about my future and where God is leading me.  Shawn asked the question "Where do you see God taking you five years from now?"  That question really made me think about how I am living my life now and where I see God taking me.  I would love to be in youth ministry someday because I have such a heart for teens.  Now I'm not saying that that is where God is leading me but I do feel like it might be where He wants me at this very moment.  I use to worry about not making the right decision or making a decision that was against God's will, but today I think I realized that I am making this to difficult.  All I need to worry about is worshiping God and honoring Him.  So that is what I am going to do.  I am going to just let Him take care of things because He is God and I am not.  He has my right hand and won't let go of it.  Y'all should read Psalms 73 and meditate on those verses because they have really helped me.   

Sunday, May 13, 2012

The need for Friends

Just had a great time "Hanging out" with my friends on Google +.  This time with them made me think of how great our friendships have been.  I thought that I would blog about friends and the need for them.  All though the Bible we find that people had great friends.  David had Jonathan, Paul had Timothy, and Jesus had twelve disciples( His friends.)  I am glad that I have the friends that I do.  They are great Christian role models and know how to make me smile even when I am down.  I thank God for blessing me with them.  Proverbs 17:17 says "A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a difficult time."  This is how I view my friendship with these guys.  They are my brothers and I would do anything for them.  Those guys know who I am talking about so I am not going to name names but I just wanted to tell them that I love you guys and I am here if you ever need anything.  May God bless you in all that you do.
So I just created me a blog.  Never thought that I would ever blog in my life, but I figure that I can open my life up and see what God is doing in me.  It is only fitting to start off my first blog by telling you a little bit about what I expect from this.  I want to grow closer to God and I want other people to grow closer to God during this blogging experience.  I am going to be open and honest about things in my life as I attempt to grow closer to God.  I hope that all the people reading this will start this journey with me.  I am going to blog about things in my life, bible verses that stuck out to me, what God is doing in my life, and how I feel about all of this.  With that being said, Lets do this......