
Friday, March 1, 2013

Final thoughts before the Marathon

     I am about to embark on one of the most challenging events of my running career.  Sunday I will be participating in the 10th running of the Little Rock Marathon.  I am both excited and scared.  Excited that I will get to run the farthest I have ever run.  Scared that I will get to run the farthest I have ever run.  Excited that I get to see friends such as Aaron Johnson, Johnathan Johnson, and Ryan Copico.  Scared that I won't be able to finish.  Excited that I get to run for such a great organization.  Scared that I might get injured.  Excited and scared.  For 26.2 miles, my body will go though hell just to cross a white line and get a big medal.  For 26.2 miles, my body will be pushed to the limit to earn the term "Marathon Runner."  Excited and scared.  Maybe I wouldn't be so scared if I had time to actually train for this race.  In the misted of shin splints, knee pains, Achilles tendinitis, and just a lack of wanting to train my body is not as prepared as I wish it could be.  While I am injury-free as of today and I am able to run up to 10 miles at a comfortable pace, I am still scared.  The weather will be pretty cold which will also make for a rough run.  Whatever the outcome of the race is I am reminded that I should "first seek the kingdom of heaven and all these things shall be added to you."  I will run my race.  I will run with endurance.  I will run from the sound of the gun till the finish line is behind me.  All the while seeking the kingdom of heaven.  I will finish my race regardless of pain or suffering, not because I am strong enough to do it but because God is strong enough to do it.  
     I am ready to take on this race.  The only way that I will finish this race is if I start this race.  So Sunday, I will lace up my running shoes, put on my warm running clothes, and pack into the starting line with 8,000 other people and a smile on my face.  And I will run the race that is set before me seeking the kingdom of God.  

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