
Monday, June 18, 2012

Girls Please Read This

Hey there guys.  I haven't posted a blog update in awhile because of the massive amount of stuff that I am doing at P.A.  God is defiantly moving up here and He is moving in Mississauga, Canada.  This post was inspired the book Every Young Man's Battle which I just finished reading today.  I wanted to post this because this is what I expect out of a Christian girl.  I also don't want to offend anyone.  This post is not meant to bring shame or to make my past girlfriends look bad.  The reason that I dated them was because they did the things on this list.  So as you read this I hope that you will not look at those past girlfriends and think bad about them.  If you can't read this without judging them or me then please don't read it at all.  Now that those rules are in place, I want you to read this, think about this, and comment on it if you wish.

What I want to see in a Christian Girl

  1. Loves God more than me- A Christian Girl should love God more than their boyfriend, family, friends, etc.  -Matthew 22:37
  2. Loves the body, gifts, skills, calling that God gave her- A Christian Girl should accept the body, gifts, skills, and calling that God gave her.  She is "remarkably and wonderfully" made by the Creator of the Universe.  She should not only accept these things but put them to use to farther the Kingdom of God. -Psalm 139:13-18, Ephesians 4:1-6
  3. Dress Modestly- I am not going to sit here and tell you that I don't like to look at women.  Its kind of a guy thing and its the way God made me, but that should not be an excuse because God provides a way out of that.  I hate it when guys blame the girls for not dressing modestly because it should be us men that are strong enough in our faith to bounce our eyes and to not lust after it.  With that being said, Christian girls could help us men out by dressing modestly.  Girls this means not yoga pants, no tight shorts, no short dress, and not low cut shirts.  Instead of showing of your body parts, try showing of how much you love God by dressing modest and telling others to do the same. - 1 Timothy 2:9-10
  4. Reads her bible- A Christian Girl should stay in the Word of God.  This is how she will learn about her Creator.  When she stays in the Word of God, she will grow to trust, love, and want God.  -Hebrews 4:12
  5. Understands that even Christian guys mess up- Women, we are not perfect.  We try our hardest to be but we are still sinners and we will mess up.  But I can tell you that even though we mess up that we still love you and will still want you to trust us. -Romans 3:23
  6. Understand that a Christian guy will sometimes have to ignore you to follow God- Us men don't like ignoring the woman that we love.  It is one of the hardest things to do, but we have to follow God first.  Sometimes that means that we can't answer our phones because we are at church or at a bible study.  Sometimes this means that we have to go to other countries on mission trips to spread the word of God.  But just because we can't come out to eat with you or come over and watch a movie, we still love you and we still want to be with you.  We promise that when God gives us a break from our very busy schedules that we will spend every minute with you.  We make the most of every minute that we have with you because we love you. - Matthew 16:24
This are just a few rules that I came up with.  There may be more to come for the females but there for sure will be blog posted soon about men and how crappy of a job we have done at being men.  Thank you for reading them and I hope that you will be able to apply them to your life.
God Bless
Cody Walker